*This feature is for Admin and Super Agent roles only.
How: Login Admin Portal, click Manage Companies.
Admin/ Super Agent can see the company list with :
Company name
Owner's Email
Owner's Name
Phone Number
Invoice Address
Action: Admin can delete or edit the company's data. Super Agent can only view the company's data detail.
This feature allows Admin/Super Agent to search for a company by name or perform an advanced search.
How: When Admin/ Super Agent clicks Advanced Search in the upper right corner, the screen will display fields to help search for more information.
Admin/ Super Agent can search by:
Company Name
Owner's Email
Owner's Name
Invoice Address
How: To view or edit company details, click the Edit button in the Action section of Management Companies. Five sections will be displayed:
Company Information
Company User
Assigned Agents
User permission
Order permission
Admin can see and edit all sections, but Super Agent can see Company Information only.
The information in this section includes:
Company Name
Store: required
Group: required
Address: required
How: The information is read-only for Super Agents. If Admin changes the information, they need to click Save.
The list of information that can be displayed here includes:
Full name
Email Address
Time Created
Enable or disable
Action: Edit/ Delete
This function allows Admin to Create Employee for Company:
How: Click Create Employee to create a new employee account.
To Create an Employee, Admin needs to fill in:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Role: default as employee
Level: Permissions for each level are based on the Owner or Admin setting
Default permissions that Admin can set up for each level include:
Cart Management
Place Order
Order Management
View Order Detail
Export Order
View Order History
Confirm password
Admin can auto-generate passwords for agents. When agents log in, they will be requested to change their password.
On the screen of Assigned agents, you can see a list of agents assigned to companies. Basic information will include:
Full Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Time Created
Action: allow Admin to unassign previously assigned agents. Admin can also assign agents to the selected companies.
How: Click Assign Agents, then choose agents that Admin wants to assign to the selected company. Once the agent is selected, it will display Assigned. Agents that show Assigned will not be selected.
Then click Assign to complete.
Role: allows Admin to change the permission for Employee or Owner. Each of the roles has specific permissions.
How: Click the Edit button the according to the role.Order limit
Admin can Add an order limit to Employee or Owner) in EURO. This limit amount can be set by day or month calculated from the start date. The limit takes effect when Admin selects Enable Order limit. You can refer to the display of Order Limit on Storefront in the Storefront User Guide.
This section allows editing Roles’ permission for employees and owners. The list of permissions default display here will depend on Admin's global Roles & Permission setup in General Settings.
How: Admin can uncheck the checkbox to disable that permission for the user and vice versa. Then click Update.
This feature also allows to set up Order limits for the whole company, which will be calculated by the sum of all employees and Owners within the company.
How: To add a new limit, click on Add New Limit, fill in all information fields, then click Apply. To enable Order Limit, enable the button Order Limit.
Admin can Add an order limit to the company in EURO. This limit amount can be set by day or month calculated from the start date. The limit takes effect when Admin selects Enable Order limit. You can refer to the display of Order Limit on Storefront in the Storefront User Guide.