How to enroll in App signing by Google Play?

How to enroll in App signing by Google Play?

Enrolling in App signing is a must when you want to upload your app bundle to Google Play Console. Follow the steps below to enroll in App signing by Google Play:

Step 1: Sign in to Google Play Console and select your app.
Step 2: In the side menu, navigate to ReleaseSetup > App integrity > Export and upload a key from Java keystore.

Step 3:  Click Upload private key and upload the jmango-pepk.pepk file we provide you, then click Save to proceed. 

You can also export and encrypt a key yourself. Please follow the onscreen instructions as in the screenshot above.

Step 4: Accept the Google Play Terms of Service.

That's it. You've done enrolling in App signing by Google Play. Please contact and let us know.

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