Sync All Active Categories with App
By default, your app is set to show all active categories regardless of whether they are included in the navigation menu or not. If you want it to show only categories visible on the webshop, disable this setting.
You can make use of this setting to target customers with exclusive offerings on app. In Magento Admin, just create a
hidden category by making an active category exclude from the top menu. With this setting enabled, you can include that hidden category in the app and make it a 'mobile-only' offering.
Product Attribute in List
This setting is helpful when you want to show a product attribute such as brand or manufacturer in all product lists on app. All the product attributes in Magento Admin are fetched to our backend, allowing you to choose a product attribute you want.
Hide N/A, No or Blank Attributes
Depending on how you set up your product attributes, it is likely that some attributes have a value of No, N/A or empty. Use this setting to hide such kind of empty attributes in product details.
Default Product Sort
By default, your app uses the same default sort direction as your Magento webshop. If you do not like this preset, you can choose a different default sort direction for your app. Available options: Ascending and Descending.
Content in product category can be aligned in three ways: Align Left, Align Center, and Align Right. Left alignment is set as default for all
supported languages except Arabic for which the default alignment is right. You can align content in three different view modes separately: List, Single (or One-column), and Grid (or Two-column).
Required versions: M2 Plugin 1.6.13
An Add To Cart button in the product list makes things fast and convenient for app users as it helps shorten the purchase loop. You should make use of this button when your products have no or little product details, or when you are sure that your app users know what they are going to buy without going through the product details.
Please note that this setting applies to simple products only. Configurable products require app users to go through product details to specify options to purchase.
Auto-Update Categories [Magento 1]
By default, updates on product categories in Magento Admin require re-integration to be effective on app. With this setting enabled, you can skip the re-integration step as your updates will be reflected on app automatically.
A new product category on app will need a well-designed icon for it. Please make sure you
provide a nice icon fo
r the new category after the (auto) update.
Custom Text
Depending on your business model, you might want to show custom text for all of your products on app. It could be a special instruction, VAT or shipping rule, or any other type of input you can think of. Use this setting to show custom text with maximum length of 50 characters.
Show Filter for All Categories [Magento 2]
Required versions: M2 Plugin 1.12.0
Product filters are essential for any business that offers complex products with options and large selections. That said, sometimes due to the product nature, filters may confuse your users or become unnecessary, thus making you want to turn off filter for specific categories.
By default, product filters are enabled for all categories in your app. If you want to turn off filters for some categories, disable this setting then deselect the categories you want to hide filters for.
Show Products in Lowest Category Level
Required versions: Mobile 3.9.6
Clear navigation is key! By default, categories on mobile app show products as per settings in Magento Admin. If you want to have clear navigation by showing products in the lowest category level only, enable this setting.