PrestaShop integration settings

PrestaShop integration settings

Settings available in JMango360 Back Office > Settings > PrestaShop Integration Settings.

Download module packages

JMango360 module for PrestaShop is available on PrestaShop Addons Marketplace. The latest module package is also downloadable from our platform. 

Please click the instructional text Click here to view how to integrate with your PrestaShop store at the top to find the paths to download the module and the plugin installation guide as well.

Integrate with your PrestaShop store

Re-integration is required for changes on your PrestaShop store to take place on app. You can easily integrate with your PrestaShop store using settings available in this section.

  1. Webshop URL: Your PrestaShop store's address
  2. Web Service Access Key: The webservice key provides a way to authorize JMango360 to access the webservice of PrestaShop
  3. PrestaShop Version: Version of PrestaShop you are using
  4. JMango360 Mobile App Module: Version of the module that is installed in PrestaShop Back Office
  5. Last Integrated: Date and time of the last integration
  6. View History: Click to view integration history
  7. Last Data Imported: Date and time of the last product data import
  8. Re-import: Click to re-import product data after you change product data in PrestaShop Back Office
Please click the big Integrate with PrestaShop button to integrate with your store. During the integration, you are allowed to select which product categories and content pages to be included in your app.

Shop by Brand - let customers browse your app by favorite brands

It is great when your customers can give their purchasing decision through the brand they love. By selecting manufacturers during the integration, you can create a Shop by Brand/Manufacturer page that displays a list of brands/manufacturers and by clicking on any brands/manufacturers, your customer can view all products belong to that brand and quickly purchase.

Integrate with different stores and store languages

Your PrestaShop website may have more than one store and store language. During the integration, you can choose the store and store language you want from all active stores and store languages. 

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