Publishing overview

Publishing overview

When the application development process is complete, it’s time to release your app to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Releasing a new app or an app update is a detailed and technical process and is therefore executed by the JMango360 team. This article gives an overview of preparations to release an app to the App Stores.

1.  Create your App Store profile

Your App Store profile is your storefront on the App Stores, and it's important to make a good first impression on potential customers. When creating your profile you need to meet the requirements from the App Stores and simultaneously optimize your profile to boost your app downloads, also known as App Store Optimization

The App Listing section in Alphonso reflects the App Stores' requirements. This includes everything from the app title, descriptions, and tags to your business information. At the point of releasing the app, our support team uses this information to create your App Store profile. The details and steps on how to create your app listing are provided in the App Listing article.

2. Share your Apple Developer Account

To release your app to the Apple App Store, you need an Apple Developer Account and membership. The Apple Developer Account provides you with the tools and information that can be used to distribute your app to millions of Apple users worldwide. 
  1. Step 1: Create your Apple Developer Account and activate your membership. There is an annual $99 fee. We recommend setting automatic renewal to ensure continuous service with Apple without any interruptions.
  2. Step 2: Share your Apple Developer Account with JMango360 so that we can execute your app to the Apple App Store. For detailed steps, please read How to create and share an Apple Developer Account with JMango360?.

3. Share your Google Play Developer Account

Releasing your app to the Google Play Store requires a Google Play developer account and membership. The Google Play Developer Console is the platform Google provides for Google Play and Android developers to publish and monitor their app’s performance in the Google Play Store. 
  1. Step 1: Create your Google Play Developer Account and activate your membership. You just need to pay a $25 one-time registration fee. 
  2. Step 2: Share your Google Play  Developer Account with JMango360 so that we can execute your app to the Google Play Store. For more details, see How to create and share Google Play  Developer Account with JMango360?.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to us at!

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