Magento: It says 'Session expired' or 'Cannot authorise to RESTful API access' when retrieving store view list
You create a Magento integrated app using the
Quick Start Guide. In step 3 Configure Plugin, when you verify connection, you get the warning message 'Session expired' or 'Cannot authorise to RESTful API access'. As a result, the store view list is unable to be retrieved and you fail to create your app.
This issue happens because the setting Use SID on Frontend in Magento Admin is set to NO while it should be set to YES.
Step 1: Turn on setting Use SID on Frontend in Magento Admin.
- Log in to Magento Admin, then navigate to System > Configuration > Main Website scope.
- In the side menu, select General > Web > Section Validation Settings, then turn on Use SID on Frontend.
- Save changes.
Step 2: Go back to JMango360 to continue the Quick Start Guide.
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