Start app data collection with Firebase

Start app data collection with Firebase

JMango360 has utilized Firebase's outstanding services for mobile app development and is excited to share that we are fully equipped to leverage Google Analytics 4 for efficient experiences with our mobile apps. When you create high-quality apps with Firebase, Google Analytics 4 uses the Firebase Analytics schema to provide a much more unified platform for cross-tracking websites and mobile apps - What a perfect match!

Find out how to set up your Firebase project in three easy steps and go on a brand-new journey for app analytics with Firebase and Google Analytics 4 (GA4).


  1. Supported all integrated eCommerce platforms from the app version 3.x and above. 
  2. Firebase configuration by JMango360 is included in our Advanced and Enterprise subscription and a potential add-on in our Essential subscription. Please contact us at for more information.

Implementation steps

To start using Firebase Analytics, three tasks must be done: 
(1) Create a Firebase project 
(2) Share Firebase with JMango360 
(3) Install Firebase SDKs in your app

Please be informed that once the customer completes steps (1) & (2), JMango360 will handle step (3) because of technical expertise. Note that the SDK installation requires technical expertise and development time. 

Step 1: Create a Firebase Project

To start tracking your app with the Firebase SDKs, you must create a Firebase project to connect to your app.

1. Sign in to Firebase using your Google account, then click Add project 
2. Fill in the project's name in the blank, then click Continue 
3. Enable Google Analytics and click Continue

4. Choose your Google Analytics account 

This step here will depend on whether you have set up Google Analytics for your account. The dropdown list will show the Google Analytics accounts you created with the Google account logged into this Firebase project. 

Google recommends using the GA4 property: “On July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will no longer process data. New data will only flow into Google Analytics 4 properties.”
So if:
  1. Google Analytics has already been set up: 
    1. If you want to use Google Analytics 4, ensure your account has the Google Analytics 4 property enabled. Then select the Google Analytics account you want to connect to the Firebase project. (You can refer steps as shown below)

    1. If there isn't one yet, you can create a new one with this instruction or go through the steps below to create a GA4 account by default.
  1. Google Analytics still needs to be set up: Choose Create a new account, fill in the Google Analytics account name, and click Save. Now your Google Analytics 4 account will be created by default. 

Continue to set up Analytics location (by country), enable Use the default settings for sharing Google Analytics data, accept the Google Analytics Terms, and click Create project. 

You have to wait a minute, and when the message “Your new project is ready”, click Continue to access the overview page for your project in the Firebase console. 

Step 2: Share Firebase with JMango360 

After you have a Firebase project, the next step is to share it with our account, To do so, navigate to Setting > Users and Permissions > Add Member and select permission Owner.

Step 3: Install Firebase SDKs in your app (Done by JMango360)

The last step to make your Firebase Analytics ready to use - add your iOS or Android apps to the project. After configuring successfully, Firebase Analytics can help to collect and track your app performance. As these tasks require technical expertise and additional development time, JMango360 will help you do this. Please contact us so we can help you out.

Take note of the following:
  1. If your app is already available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store and you want to add Firebase to your app, we will need to submit an app update to the App Stores. Please be aware that this implementation process takes up to 2 weeks.
  2. If your app is not yet available on the App Stores, we will help you install the Firebase SDKs and submit the app to the App Stores.

(Custom) Firebase events 

In addition to our default list of events and parameters, it’s possible to configure custom events. This might be desired to streamline the data collection between Google Analytics and Firebase. Custom configuration of up to 5 events includes our Enterprise subscription and an add-on in the other subscriptions. Please contact us at for more information. 

Want to know more about Firebase Analytics functionality? Read our Beginner's guide to Firebase Analytics

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