B2B Buyers or Buyer Employees can access the company profiles.
An Agent can only view a company’s profile when they log in as a B2B Buyer and do not have editing rights.
B2B Buyer can edit Company name and addresses here. B2B Employees can only view this screen.
When clicking on Company Information, the screen of the Company Name area displays:
Title: “Company Information”
How: Login as a B2B Buyer, navigate Account > Company Information. B2B Buyer can change Company Name by entering information in the Company name fields. Then click Save to save changes.
When clicking on Company Information, the screen of the Address section displays:
Company Address
Actions: B2B Buyer can edit and delete addresses there.
Default Billing: the address ticked in this column is the default billing address
Default Shipping: the address ticked in this column is the default shipping address
How: Login as a B2B Buyer, navigate Account > Company Information.
The information B2B Buyer needs to fill in when adding an address includes:
Country/ Region: (required)
State: This field will be required based on the country's user input
Street 1: (required)
Street 2
Town/City: (required)
Postcode/ ZIP: (required)
Phone: (required)
How: Login as a B2B Buyer, navigate Account > Company Information then click Add Address. After filling in the information in all fields, click Save to add an address.
After adding a new address successfully, it can be displayed in the screen.
The information B2B Buyer can edit includes:
Country/ Region: (required)
State: This field will be required based on the country's user input
Street 1: (required)
Street 2
Town/City: (required)
Postcode/ ZIP: (required)
Phone: (required)
How: Login as a B2B Buyer, navigate Account > Company Information. In column Actions, click the Edit button. After editing data, click Save to save changes.
If you don’t want to perform changing the address, click Cancel.
How: Login as a B2B Buyer, navigate Account > Company Information. In column Actions, click the delete button.