Storefront - Account Details Management

Storefront - Account Details Management

Account Details Management Screen

Users need to log in to access Account Details Management. 

Read more information here to know how to log in and access Storefront. 

After logging in successfully, users can click the My Account icon in the menu bar on the homepage screen to access Account Management. 

How: Login as B2B Buyer/ B2B Buyer Employee, click on the My Account icon


View profile


Click on the My Account icon in the menu bar to open the Account Management section. 

From the Account menu, B2B buyer/ B2B Buyer Employees can access Account Details to manage their personal profiles. 

Account Details section components include: 

  • Screen Title: Account Details

  • First name field: (required) - prefilled with the account's first name.

  • Last name field: (required) - prefilled with the account's last name.

  • Phone number field: (required) - prefilled with the account's phone number.

  • Email Address field: (required) - prefilled with the account's email address.

Password change section components include: 

  • Current password: leave blank, B2B Buyer/ B2B Buyer Employees can enter their current password.

  • New Password: leave blank, B2B Buyer/ B2B Buyer Employees can enter the new password they want to change. 

  • Confirm new password: leave blank, B2B Buyer/ B2B Buyer Employees can enter the new password again to confirm. 

Current Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password are only required when one of these three fields is filled. 

Edit profile

B2B Buyer/ B2B Buyer Employees can edit their profile details such as: 

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Phone number

How: Login as a B2B Buyer/ B2B Buyer Employees, navigate Account > Account Details. 

Then they can view and edit their personal profile there. After editing data, click the Save changes button. 

Change the password

B2B Buyer/ B2B Buyer Employees can edit their password in the Account details screen.

How: Login as a B2B Buyer/ B2B Buyer Employees, navigate Account > Account Details. Then they can validate the password there. 

The rule for passwords: Passwords must be at least 7 characters and contain alphabetic, numeric, and special characters.

Current Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password are only required when one of these three fields is filled. After editing data, click the Save changes button. 

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