BigCommerce PWA sale settings: Backorder, Stock level, Stock label, Sale tag, Brand and more!

BigCommerce PWA sale settings: Backorder, Stock level, Stock label, Sale tag, Brand and more!

Settings available in JMango360 Back Office > Settings > Sale Settings.

Enable backorders 

  1. PWA version: N/R
  2. Default value: Disabled - Please contact us to enable this feature
Backorders are not possible with BigCommerce, yet you can use a little trick to let your customers order a product when it is out of stock. The trick is to set a very high current stock level and low stock level in the backend. That is to say, if the real current stock level is 50, you will set the current stock level to 1050 and the low stock level to 1000. Your customers can order more than 50 units and when the quantity drops below 1000 you know you are oversold and backordered. 

In your PWA, if you enable the stock level display, by default JMango360 will show the current stock level you set in the store backend. That's rational, but if you use the trick above for backorders, the stock level displayed in PWA will be the very high current stock level you set to cheat - not the real one that should be shown. 

To solve this issue, please contact us so we can enable backorders for your PWA. By doing so, the stock level displayed in PWA will equal the current stock level minus the low stock level. 
  1. Backorders OFF (default): Stock level displayed in PWA = Current stock level set in store backend
  2. Backorders ON: Stock level displayed in PWA = Current stock level - Low stock level

Display stock level in product details

  1. PWA version: N/R
  2. Default value: Disabled

Stock level display is disabled by default. After you turn it on, stock level will be displayed as follows:

  1. Backorders OFF: Stock level displayed in PWA = Current stock level set in store backend
  2. Backorders ON: Stock level displayed in PWA = Current stock level - Low stock level
    1. Stock level displayed in PWA > 0: Display stock level normally
    2. Stock level displayed in PWA =< 0: Do not display stock level in any case
  3. Do not track inventory ON: Do not display stock level in any case
  4. Track inventory by options ON: Stock level varies according to each option

Display stock label in product details

  1. PWA version: N/R
  2. Default value: Disabled

Your catalog can be configured to display the availability of each item as IN STOCK or OUT OF STOCK in the product details page. The configuration setting applies to the catalog as a whole, and the message changes according to the stock level of the product.

Stock label will be displayed as follows:
  1. Backorders OFF:
    1. Stock level displayed in PWA > 0 & any low stock level: IN STOCK
    2. Stock level displayed in PWA = 0 & any low stock level: OUT OF STOCK
  2. Backorders ON:
    1. Stock level displayed in PWA > 0 & Current stock level > 0: IN STOCK
    2. Stock level displayed in PWA =< 0 & Current stock level > 0: AVAILABLE TO BACKORDER
    3. Stock level displayed in PWA =< 0 & Current stock level = 0: OUT OF STOCK
  3. Do not track inventory ON: Always display IN STOCK
  4. Track inventory by options ON: Stock label varies according to each option

Display out of stock products

  1. PWA version: 1.6.0
  2. Default value: Enabled

By default, when a product is out of stock it is still going to be displayed on your PWA pages. You can turn this setting off to hide any products that are sold out. This setting also applies to parent products that have out of stock options.

Display out of stock options

  1. PWA version: 1.6.0
  2. Default value: Enabled

This setting is similar to the above setting. By default, out of stock product options are still visible to your customers. With this setting turned off, product options that are sold out will be hidden on all pages.

Hide price until login

  1. PWA version: N/R
  2. Default value: Disabled

This setting is useful when you want to display prices to logged-in users only. After you turn on this setting, non-logged in users, including both guests and registered-but-not-logged-in users, can neither see prices nor add any products to the cart for purchase. 

Please note that enabling this setting will disable guest checkout.

Show Sale tag for discounted products

  1. PWA version: N/R
  2. Default value: Disabled

It's great to let customers know which products are on sale. This setting allows you to display the Sale tag for discounted products in product listproduct detailssearch results, and wishlist.

The Sale tag will be displayed in one of the following cases:
  1. Product's sale price < Default price
  2. Product's sale price < MSRP
  3. Product's default price < MSRP

Show product brand in PWA

  1. PWA version: N/R
  2. Default value: Disabled

Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all influenced by brands. Brands are a guarantee for quality, they assure product recognition in customers. Turn on this setting if you want to show brands for your products in every product details page.